How to make awesome design in cmd.

Hello friends, as we now cmd ( command prompt ) is a pre-installed utility in windows operating the system. We can do many things through it using different commands. We can also write a programme using these commands and these programmes are called batch programme. The file in which the programme is written is called a batch file and is saved in the ".bat" extension.

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At the very first step search and download the design (image) you want to display in cmd. Remember that the best result comes from a black & white image.

As you can see in the following image we took a black & white image from google.

So let's save this image and open a new google search tab in your browser and search for an image to ASCII conversion. here I use but you can use which one is suitable for you.

Go to convert tab on the website and choose ASCII. Now choose the file which is downloaded earlier and click on convert. ( You can test the other options available on the website ) Now you can see the ASCII conversion of our uploaded image.

Now copy the whole text which appears inside the white box and paste it into a new blank notepad file. Just like in the image below.

At the very beginning of the file write the following two lines of code:
@echo off
color a

Where the "@echo off" command is for hiding the path which is present in the cmd prompt and "color a" is for changing the font color to green in cmd prompt.
After that write echo in front of every line of the page till the end as shown in the above image. At last write "pause >nul" which is used for holding the screen after completion of the programme.

Now save the file as ".bat" extension. for this click on "file > save as" and select all files in save as type drop-down menu as shown in the below image. Now give the file name with ".bat" extension just like "youtube.bat" and click on save.

Now run the saved file and you can use the ASCII image into the cmd in green color. You can change the color of the text by changing the "color a" to b,c,d, etc. ( For all color codes type 'color /?' in cmd).

For a video demonstration of the above method please follow the below link.
How to make an awesome design in cmd
